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Published: Jun 29, 2018 in Criminal Defense, DWI

Attorney Ned Barnett Receives Advanced Level Training on Unconstitutional DWI Fees

scales of justice


Attorney Ned Barnett recently received advanced level training on unconstitutional fees in driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases, provided by the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys (AAPDA). Attorney Barnett completed training on a recent Court of Appeals decision in Tennessee related to administrative fees charged on blood draws, which were determined to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

Throughout his time as a criminal defense lawyer, attorney Barnett has made it his mission to stay on top of the latest scientific and legal information related to DWI offenses. He also has certifications in DWI field sobriety testing, the operation of breath test machines, gas chromatography, and the process of DWI blood tests.

Attorney Barnett is now even more prepared to take on Houston DWI cases and protect his clients. If you were recently charged with a driving while intoxicated and have questions about DWI fees, do not hesitate to contact The Law Offices of Ned Barnett a call at (713) 222-6767 to schedule a free and confidential case consultation.

What is AAPDA?

AAPDA is a professional organization for DWI defense attorneys. The association compiles information from:

  • Judges
  • Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors
  • DWI Prosecutors
  • Current and Former Law Enforcement Officers
  • DWI Defense Attorneys

This information is analyzed to determine the knowledge, training, tools, resources, strategies, and skills attorneys need to successfully defend individuals against DWI charges. The association also offers members access to resources and tools they can utilize to win DWI cases, such as:

  • Scientific study results
  • The 14 most current National Highway Traffic Safety Administration DWI Training Manuals
  • A client questionnaire designed to uncover certain facts and potential defenses
  • Operator manual for breath test machines
  • Potential cross-examination questions for almost 400 scenarios and fact patterns
  • Routine advanced level training

Many lawyers handle DWIs and claim to do so successfully. However, a smaller percentage of lawyers have the necessary information, resources, skills needed to win or appropriately resolve DWI cases. If you have been charged with a DWI in Texas and feel your case is hopeless, you want an aggressive and successful attorney like Ned Barnett to fight for you.

Unconstitutional DWI Fees

An Appeals Court in Tennessee said a $250 fee charged to each person convicted of a DWI through a breath or blood test was unconstitutional. The money was paid to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and went toward the Bureau’s intoxicant testing fund. According to the Associated Press, the fees brought in about $3 million each year. The court found that such a fee could call into question the validity and trustworthiness of the results, since the Bureau benefited from tests that showed a driver was over the legal limit. The court stated that the fee created a relationship in which forensic scientists may falsify results to ensure that funding continued. The arrangement created an opportunity for abuse.

Many locations around the country have similar fees to those that were just found unconstitutional in Tennessee. If you believe you were wrongly charged fees in relation to a DWI arrest or charges, do not hesitate to ask for a lawyer’s opinion.

The Law Offices of Ned Barnett Offers Aggressive DWI Defense

If you have been charged with a DWI in Texas, whether it is a first-time offense or you have one or more previous DWI convictions, attorney Ned Barnett can help. He is a founding member of the AAPDA. He will thoroughly review your situation to determine the strongest defenses in your case, including whether your rights were violated.

Contact The Law Offices of Ned Barnett online, or at (713) 222-6767 to schedule a free evaluation of your case.