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Published: Sep 20, 2019 in Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

Common Probation Conditions for Sex Offenders

sex offender probation


Probation can often seem like the best possible result when you’ve been charged with a sex offense. If offered as part of a plea deal, probation may allow you to avoid jail time and move on with your life with a minimal amount of publicity. However, you need to understand exactly what terms sex offender probation will entail before you agree to the deal. Even if you have to serve jail time, the terms of your probation can have far-reaching consequences.

If you’re facing charges for a sexual offense, criminal defense attorney Ned Barnett can help you understand your options. With over 30 years of experience, he knows how prosecutors think, and he uses his experience and knowledge to fight for his clients to receive the best possible result.

To schedule a free and confidential consultation with a Houston sex crimes lawyer, call The Law Office of Ned Barnett at (713) 222-6767, or reach out through the online form.

Sex Offender Registration

Following most sex crimes convictions, you will have to register as a sex offender with local law enforcement. However, your obligation to do so is independent of your probation. You will have to remain registered as a sex offender even after you complete your probation, but failing to keep your information current could violate the terms of your probation and even result in criminal charges.

Travel and Living Limitations

Your probation may include restrictions on where you can live and where you can go. For example, you may be required to maintain a certain distance from where the victim lives or works. If you move, you will have to register with local law enforcement, and generally keep authorities apprised of where you live and work at all times.

If your sex offense involved a minor, you might not be able to live within a certain distance of child safety zones – places such as playgrounds, schools, daycare facilities, or any location where children are usually present.

Community Limitations

Your probation will also likely include limitations on who you can associate and what events you can attend. For example, you may be prohibited from associating with other felons or sex offenders. If your offense involved a minor, you might again be prohibited from attending any functions in a child safety zone. This might include events that are held at schools, athletic facilities, or parks – even if the event does not involve children.

Internet Restrictions

Your probation may require that you have limited or no access to the internet, especially if you used the internet or email in committing the underlying offense. Your probation may prohibit you from owning a computer, phone, or any other device that has access to the internet.

Are You Worried About Sex Offender Probation?

Probation is often a better result than incarceration, but it can come with several requirements in sex crime cases. The prosecution may offer you probation as part of a plea agreement, but you need to be aware of exactly what conditions they will require. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you make an informed decision by evaluating the prosecution’s case against you and your available options.

Houston criminal defense attorney Ned Barnett has decades of experience defending clients against over-aggressive prosecutors who push unfair plea bargains. He fights for your rights, and for you to get a fair result.

If you’ve been charged with a sex crime, the best thing you can do is contact The Law Offices of Ned Barnett right away at (713) 222-6767 to schedule a free consultation of your case.