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Child Sex Crimes

USA flag and Texas flag flying in front of old stately building

What Is Sexual Assault of a Child in Texas?

Published: May 08, 2021 in Child Sex Crimes, Sex Crimes, Sex Crimes Involving Children

Texas takes a tough stance on sex crimes. And it takes sex crimes that involve children even more seriously. Many people who find themselves charged with this offense lose hope. They think there is no way to fight back – much less get it dropped. But there may be a way to avoid prison and fines. Fighting your charge with the help of an experienced sex crimes defense lawyer could be your way out. Understanding Sexual Assault of a Child Charges Getting charged with a sex crime is disorienting. But…

When are Bad Acts Allowed in Texas Sex Crimes?

When are Prior Bad Acts Allowed in Texas Sex Crimes: Is Your Past Haunting You?

Published: Jul 23, 2020 in Child Sex Crimes, Sex Crimes, Sex Crimes Involving Children

When you’re charged with a sex crime in Texas, you can bet that the police will dig into your past. They’re looking for skeletons in your closet, like past convictions or arrests. The bigger, the better. They’ll specifically look for prior sex crimes that might be related to the current case, like if you’re accused of child molestation and were previously convicted of statutory rape as a young adult. In certain cases, prior bad acts are admissible evidence in sex crimes. But you shouldn’t let the prosecution use your criminal…

scales of justice

Sex Crime Plea Agreements: Is it a Good Deal?

Published: Jun 25, 2020 in Child Sex Crimes, Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes, Sex Crimes Involving Children

In Harris County, Texas criminal cases are often resolved by plea agreements. Pleas are made between you and the prosecution, where you agree to plead guilty to select charges for a certain penalty. While pleas must be approved by the judge, they avoid costly trials and increase efficiency. They are also helpful to avoid unnecessarily harsh sentences – especially when sex crimes are involved. However, plea agreements still result in convictions, and there may be unintended consequences to accepting. So, if prosecutors offer you a plea in a sex crime…

scales of justice

Can the Police Confiscate My Computer?

Published: Jun 15, 2020 in Child Sex Crimes, Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

There are two reasons for law enforcement to confiscate your computer: collection of evidence, or civil asset forfeiture. If the police are investigating you for fraud, child pornography, or any crime where evidence might be found on your computer, the police may seize your computer. But remember that a warrant is almost always required to do so. If you’re facing criminal charges in Houston and a computer or other electrnc device is being used as evidence, contact a criminal defense lawyer from The Law Offices of Ned Barnett at (713)…


CPS Removals in Harris County: How to Get Your Child Home

Published: May 22, 2020 in Child Sex Crimes, Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes Involving Children

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) is tasked with monitoring the safety and welfare of children throughout the state and protecting parents’ rights. This often means investigating allegations of abuse and neglect and working with parents to provide safe environments. Unfortunately, TDFPS is not infallible and CPS investigations can go too far. Children are sometimes unlawfully removed from safe homes. This can mean having to prove your qualifications as a parent, and an experienced lawyer can often be the difference in getting your child home as soon…